About Us

Hi, I’m Divya! Welcome to Beauty LYF!

I created this website as a passion project while beginning a career in Digital Marketing (SEO). Little did I know that this site would launch me into a new career as a beauty blogger and website owner.

While I would never have predicted I would be here today, I love where my career has taken me: exploring all things BEAUTY Products and tips and sharing them with you on My website Beautylyf.com.

Beauty begins with you

It’s no secret that beauty standards do more harm than good. Make them unrealistic to the point of being unattainable and they’re sure to make us question our own worth.

We at BeautyLYF hold a drastically different idea of beauty. Audrey Hepburn rightly said, “I believed that happy girls are the prettiest.” We believe that beauty is as much an inside job as it is an outside one. That means taking care of your mind just the way you’d take care of your nails. 

We don’t believe in beauty standards but defining your own standard of beauty. According to us, you’re the decision maker, not some magazine that says, ‘Here’s your 5 step guide to getting the perfect summer body.’ What is perfect, anyway? In France, embracing dark circles is a sign of beauty and perfection, a narrative that would shock the living daylights out of beauty connoisseurs elsewhere. 

That’s why, when it comes to beauty, we want you to be your own boss. We’ll be here merely assisting you to be your most beautiful self. With well-researched articles written by exceptional writers and verified by experts, we strive to accompany you on a soul-satisfying journey to the crossroads of beauty and wellness. And we seek to avoid stagnation with the same passion we avoid a one-size-fits-all idea of beauty. Hence, we’re constantly educating ourselves with the best of beauty and wellness know-how, for you deserve nothing less.